Course Description

How does one choose between the NIH R01 and the smaller-format R-series mechanisms? Should you apply for a mentored K-series award instead? And what about the R15 or R34? A parent announcement or an RFA? In this course designed for new grantees, I will help clarify the role of each of these, and help you determine which one fits your particular project at a particular stage of your career.

Updated: January 17, 2024

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Helping over 3000+ learners from all skill levels

Our students have grown their skills by taking our courses. Here are just a few of their stories.

This [webinar on Choosing Between R01, R21, and R03] was excellent, which I am sure you hear all the time. Even though I have done NSF applications for 15 years, this was wonderful knowledge for NIH that I needed (and in my humble opinion all newer grantees need).

Jorja Kimball PhD
Executive Director of Division of Research

Texas A&M University

Excellent. I really appreciated the way the presenter walked us through the process and comparison. The [ESI status] timeline and discussion on 2 [R01 submission] cycles in addition to number of years on K [award] was particularly a very good piece of information…I took another webinar because I found this so informative and have recommended to several of my staff. Thanks!!

Anonymous PhD

Although I am familiar with most of the terminology and funding options- my knowledge came through my independent learning. The way these slides and training were organized with a broader view- the timing and the impact of each funding on the career was very innovative and eye opening.

Parisa Lotfi MD
Assistant Professor

Yale School of Medicine

I would recommend this training to my early early career faculty and early career research administrators and research development practitioners for a basic and better understanding of the funding mechanisms available at the National Institutes of Health.

Sindhu Jose PhD, Research Development Officer

Texas A&M University

Course Details

Who:  Applicants who are new to the NIH submission process.

When:  Available on demand

Cost:  $199

Learning Objectives

At the end of this 55-minute session, participants will be able to:

  1. Recognize the differences between the common NIH grant applications
  2. Identify the mechanism that best fits their project and career stage at this time

Content Disclaimer

Course content updated January 17, 2024. Content of this course was updated and re-recorded on this date. The content was accurate at that time. We recommend that you search for changes that may have occurred to the content since the recording date. Note that the course title may have been modified slightly since the recording.