Helping over 3000+ learners from all skill levels

Our students have grown their skills by taking our courses. Here are just a few of their stories.

Master the R Series

Great! Concise and informative. It provides an excellent complement to other resources I've used- and I learned new things

Christine N. Morrison PhD
Assistant Professor of Chemistry

Colorado School of Mines

Master the R Series

This is a wonderful experience for those in the scientific world and who has a desire to apply for a grant. Early career scientist should consider taking this training before submitting their first grant.

Biruk Birhanu DVM, MS, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow

University of Notre Dame

Master the R Series

This was very helpful and informative. Meg always has the latest news and policy changes which is comforting.

Machele A. Anderson
Postdoctoral Research Scholar

R1 Research Institution