Course Description

If you missed our live virtual office hours, you can watch the 30-minute recordings here where Meg Bouvier PhD and guest experts address your biggest challenges and questions about your grantwriting project.

The latest recorded session becomes available on-demand every other week.

Course Details

Who:  Applicants at all stages in the NIH submission process

When:  Available on demand

Cost:  Free with membership

Helping over 2000+ learners from all skill levels

Our students have grown their skills by taking our courses. Here are just a few of their stories.

I hardly ever miss an Ask the Grant Writer session because I always learn something. I've gotten my first R01 since starting with Meg's content.

Windy W. Alonso PhD, RN
Assistant Professor, College of Nursing

NCI-Designated Cancer Center

I come away with helpful hints/suggestions in every episode & appreciate the opportunity to ask questions that may come up along the way.

Susan Linder DPT, PhD
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Top 3 World's Best Hospital

Dr. Bouvier is great! I appreciate her knowledge base. I find the course to be very helpful.

Stephanie D. Parker
Sr. Grants & Contracts Specialist

UT Southwestern Medical Center

Content Disclaimer

Content of this course was updated and re-recorded on dates specified for each session. The content was accurate at that time. We recommend that you search for changes that may have occurred to the content since the recording date. Note that the course title may have been modified slightly since the recording.